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"Stop End the Stigma" Mental Health Awareness Pin by NAMI

Mental Health Awareness Pin "Stop End the Stigma"

SKU: 32881262255

"Stop End the Stigma" Mental Health Awareness Pin by NAMI

This enamel pin by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is more than just an accessory; it's a statement against mental health stigma and a symbol of support.

Product Description:

  • Uplifting Message: The phrase "Stop End the Stigma" combined with the NAMI ribbon promotes mental health awareness and challenges negative stereotypes.
  • Supports a Cause: This pin directly supports NAMI, a leading mental health advocacy organization.
  • Durable Construction: The enamel construction ensures a high-quality and long-lasting product.
  • Unisex Appeal: This pin can be worn by everyone, regardless of gender identity.

Product Details:

  • Brand: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - A reputable mental health organization
  • Material: Likely enamel (material not explicitly mentioned)
  • Style: Classic (specific style not mentioned)
  • Shape: Likely ribbon-shaped (based on description)
  • Color: Green (the color associated with mental health awareness)

A Symbol of Solidarity:

This NAMI pin is a powerful way to show your support for mental health awareness and advocate for ending the stigma surrounding mental illness. By wearing this pin, you can help create a more inclusive and understanding environment.

Additional Considerations:

  • Limited Description: Unfortunately, specific details about the material and style are not available.

Supporting a Cause:

When you purchase this pin, you're not just getting an accessory; you're also contributing to NAMI's mission of improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.

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